THE decision to give up the glittering world of modelling may surprise thousands of women who aspire to become a catwalk queen, but for Anette Rodal-Rouse it was the wisest choice she ever made.

The 33-year-old Norwegian, who has lived in Kidderminster since 1994, is relishing every minute of the bridal business she runs at her Roden Avenue home which provides a package of make-up, hair ideas, accessories, beauty tips and gowns for brides-to-be.

Anette, who has twice appeared in Miss World contests for her home nation and helps organise wedding fairs at the Gainsborough House Hotel, said: "I want to interpret every woman's dream and make their wedding day brilliant in any way my work allows.

"It's a super feeling to make someone feel really special on their wedding day and I find it a privilege to do so. It's something I find far more enjoyable than any modelling work."

Anette, who lives with husband Robert, opened bridal shop The Gallery in Stourport in 1997 and ran it for four years before selling up in spring this year to work from home.

She said: "I had a very enjoyable time but decided to have another change of direction and work from home. Every day is so varied and never the same which is a big bonus."

Anette, who went through modelling school in Norway 15 years ago and went on to run a modelling school in her homeland, has also had several other "lucky breaks".

She explained: "For four years in the early 90s I had part-time work on TV Norway and Radio One Norway, which was brilliant.

"I had been on fashion programmes and the radio director liked my voice so it ended up with me having the chance to read the news which was a superb experience."

And the woman who once walked out of a Miss World contest because of what she describes as its "exploitation" of models in some countries, has a strong warning to other wannabe models.

She said: "Modelling can make many dreams come true but some of the tales you hear and read about of young girls making themselves unhealthy or ill to try and make the grade are very disturbing.

"Nothing can be more important than your health and lifestyle, and that's why I have such great pleasure in my work because it can bring joy to people and is also based around beauty.

"Parents and schools must warn young girls of the need to maintain a proper lifestyle whatever their ambitions."

Outside of work, Anette enjoys house improvements, labelling herself a "DIY queen", and getting out and about in Kidderminster, which she describes as a "lovely" town.

And finally, Anette's top fashion tip for spring 2002, "the 80s style will return big time", she said.

"The style, fabrics and texture of 80s clothes are expected to make a big impression in the market."