IT is rare for an everyday occupation to bring a great deal of enjoyment - but do not tell that to Kidderminster puppeteer Mary Baulk.

Mrs Baulk, of Franche, is a member of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Directory of Artists, and a look at her puppets, props and the rest of her miniature shows just why.

Her work with the Butterfly Theatre takes her to private parties, schools, libraries and also on regular trips to Hartlebury Castle.

When she runs shows for children, she aims to involve them in the event.

Hundreds of props form parts of the fun which also includes children dressing up.

Mrs Baulk said: "It's wonderful helping children because they think everything is so real and their reactions are amazing.

"I can teach them to be more efficient with household goods and also get important messages across such as the dangers of fire and not talking to strangers."

It is easy to understand why the hour-and-a-half shows are such a success. The simple reason is that Mrs Baulk treats her inventions like people and brings them to life.

She said certain characters including Murdock the gibbon have become favourites with the youngsters, and adds: "Everybody seems to love Murdock. He is so friendly but also rather cheeky and naughty."

She regularly performs at elderly residential homes where she believes the plays bring great enjoyment and also at charity shows, especially for the NSPCC.

Perhaps the funniest incident during her work was when a huge false arm she was wearing made one woman scream out.

Resourcefulness is a major reason why her shows are thriving and Mrs Baulk said: "Everything is based on making the most of what you have got. There is no need to spend a fortune. I have a tremendous miniature theatre which brings enormous pleasure.

"When I go to markets I often see something for £1 which will come in useful for the shows."

Mrs Baulk concludes: "Puppetry has taken over my life. It's just wonderful and the interest shown makes it all worthwhile.

"Imagination is the key to puppetry as almost any material can either make, or act as part of a puppet."

She added: "My work is very absorbing and new ideas come all the time as I complete each show, which in effect are new business ideas which keep my trade going.

"I really do learn something every day and I know we have got to move with the times but it does make a change for children to be sitting watching a puppet show rather than in front of a computer screen."