A GREAT deal has been written about Worcester City's incompetence in getting itself into a budget deficit of £1.25m this year.

One must ask - who is to blame? If you listen to Councillor Francis Lankester it is the Labour administration of three years ago.

Who has been running the council for the last three years? Not Labour but a coalition of Tories and Independents.

Now, with an outright Tory majority, it is clear for all to see .

Why should The Swan Theatre have to close, many voluntary groups face closure and up to 20 staff face redundancy?

Tory incompetence is, however, worse than that. To save relatively small sums, groups face losing other grants.

For example, to save £83,000 at the Swan, West Midlands Arts will withdraw more than £250,000.

The same will be repeated for voluntary organisations throughout the city with many facing a double whammy.

Is this not a case of penny wise and pound foolish?


Labour Holy Trinity Ward.