ASPIRING young Worcestershire actors will have the chance to audition for Britain's top youth theatre.

The National Youth Theatre offers young people a chance to act and work backstage in a professional environment.

Anyone between 13 and 21 can apply for the courses in acting, administration, costume making, lighting and sound, scenery, prop making or stage management courses.

Applications forms are available from the Company Manager, The National Youth Theatre, 443 to 445 Holloway Road, London, N7 6LW, 0207 2813863 or by emailing

Forms should be returned by Saturday, February 15, with a £10 application fee payable to the National Youth Theatre and two stamped, addressed envelopes.

Auditions will take place in Birmingham between Tuesday and Saturday, March 4 and 8. The actors' course involves spending three weeks in London working under a professional theatre director.

The technical and administrative courses offer the chance to work under professionals and become part of the team behind one of the National Youth Theatre's summer productions.

Past NYT members have included Timothy Dalton, Helen Mirren, Timothy Spall, Liza Tarbuck, Kate Adie and Michael York.

Last year, the company performed an updated version of The Threepenny Opera and The Arbitrary Adventures of an Accidental Terrorist.

"The National Youth Theatre surpassed all my expectations," said Amardeep Kamboz, from Birmingham, stage manager for The Threepenny Opera.

"We were working with professionals from the industry and we were treated as professionals."