I WAS amused to read Mr Margrett's letter (You Say, December 18) in which he said we were lucky to live in the "relative tranquillity" of Worcester rather than the south-east of England where people work "appallingly long hours".

This was the day after I had left home to visit a customer at 6:30am and returned after midnight - so much for tranquillity!

It's a myth that people work longer hours in the south. The place you choose to live is becoming less and less relevant in the global village that is the world today. It's all about what you do, not where you do it.

As for reliance on manufacturing and extraction, it's an unfortunate fact that UK companies are finding it increasingly difficult to compete in these areas due to facing operating costs, ie wages and salaries, many times higher than in developing countries.

The only way to ensure our continuing prosperity is to concentrate on the tertiary sectors in which we excel, and relinquish reliance on outdated primary and secondary activities which are less profitable and have a severely limited prospective.


Bath Road, Worcester.