A NEW patch of woodland has been planted in Gheluvelt Park to create a wildlife habitat.

Volunteers from the Duckworth Worcestershire Trust and British Conservation Trust took part in the tree-planting scheme in December.

The trees are part of the new extension to the park that leads down to the river and incorporates the site for a proposed education centre.

"I'm not sure how many trees were planted but there were several hundred," said Mark Driscoll, project manager with the Duckworth Worcestershire Trust.

Worcester City Council planned the scheme, and Mr Driscoll hopes the new area will be used in conjunction with the proposed education centre.

"It will improve amenities and create new habitats for wildlife in the area," he said.

"Trees are usually planted in autumn to give them a better chance of becoming established and grow quite strong in the spring.

"In about three of four years the place will look like a small copse or a small stretch of woodland."