WARNDON Villages should get its own street cleaner as part of a plan to have more services controlled by local people, a county councillor says.

Councillor John Buckley said the results of a questionnaire he sent out showed the people of Warndon Villages wanted to see more done to keep the area in a better state.

His solution would be for a local body, such as the parish council, to have control of a cleaner who would be sent out to deal specifically with the litter problems in the parish.

This would be part of a scheme to "devolve" some responsibilities of the city and county councils to local level.

"Up at County Hall I have met with the area democracy team," said Coun Buckley.

"Now I am being actively encouraged to develop this idea.

"What I am hoping to do is work with the local democracy team to make Warndon an example of what can be done when people from all the political groups work together.

"I'd like to get all local councillors sitting around a table on a regular basis so the people of Warndon Villages talk to them all and tell them what they would like to see done."

The idea for a designated street cleaner is still in its early stages and decisions on where the money will come from, and which authority the cleaner will report to, will be made in the New Year.

In theory, if the parish council did employ the cleaner, then money would be part of the parish precept, said Coun Buckley.