KERBSIDE collection of recyclable materials is to begin in Herefordshire to encourage people to minimise their waste.

Herefordshire Council will begin the collections in April in the city and it will spread the service to other urban parts of the county in May.

The special collection of recyclable materials will take place at the same time and from the same place as the normal refuse collection, using two-compartment collection vehicles.

Paper, light card and textiles will be collected in purple sacks one week and cans and plastics in clear sacks the next.

Replacement sacks will be left on a one for one basis.

"We're calling this service 'kerbside' for ease of explanation," said Tony Lindsay-Jones, lead officer for waste management.

"The recycling sacks can be left out at the normal refuse point alongside the black refuse bag. We're not asking people to change the place they put their refuse for collection, but just to take a little time to sort their recyclables from their rubbish. The dustmen will collect all the bags from the usual place."

People receiving kerbside collection will be notified by receipt of a start pack two weeks before the scheme begins in their area.

This will include a calendar of collection dates and clear instructions as to what can and cannot be recycled.