CRIMEBUSTING Kidderminster Police and the public have united to top the charts for catching criminals across the regional force.

Wyre Forest folk have helped the division score the highest call-to-arrest ratio for the confidential Crimestoppers hotline in West Mercia.

In the Kidderminster Division in the past year 111 calls made to the charity line, which guarantees anonymity, have led to 66 arrests and charges made against criminals.

It means one in 1.68 calls have resulted in charges compared to the national average of one in 10 and criminals ranging from drug dealers and drink drivers to arsonists have been brought to book.

Crimestoppers regional co-ordinator Steve Hill said: "This is absolutely tremendous. The Kidderminster Division had good figures the previous year but this is even better. It shows that success breeds success.

"People who made the calls have shown confidence in the system which guarantees 100 per cent anonymity and have had the courage to do something about crime."

The Crimestoppers charity was set up in 1994 to allow folk to report crimes anonymously without fear of reprisal.

Calls are free. Callers are not asked to give their name, address or phone number and the calls are not traced.

Cash rewards are on offer for calls leading to an arrest and charge and they are paid by the charity Crimestoppers Trust in a way which the caller remains anonymous.

Det Sgt Mark Bissett, of Kidderminster Police, said "We would like to thank the media and public for the help they have given and encourage them to continue to use the Crimestoppers number."

He added: "We have acted on information given to us by the public. This has had a tremendous impact in reducing the misery crime can cause and has probably also saved lives."

Det Sgt Bissett and his team will show their commitment to the cause by running the London Marathon next year to raise funds for Crimestoppers.

Chief Insp Dave Jones, of Kidderminster Police, said it was vital people used the Crimestoppers number to stop brazen criminals in their tracks.

He said: "Criminals are known to commit crime blatantly at times because they are confident people will turn a blind eye to what they are doing.

"When people use the Crimestoppers number they make the criminal feel much more vulnerable about being caught.

"It is about everyone being good citizens and acting in a way that supports the local community."