CAN I just say how selfish the residents of Kidderminster are!

Alas, they are not alone; the majority of the people in this county/country/world are the same.

Since the new proposals for waste disposal in the county were announced the natives have whinged and moaned about the fact that they might have to put themselves out in order to help save the planet.

How dare the council suggest their bins will only be emptied twice a month!

Well, I would like to inform you that if you recycle the newspapers, glass, cans, plastic bottles, bags and wrappings etc and the odd bits of paper and card from packaging - you are left with very little.

So what remains if recycling becomes an everyday part of your life? Just food scraps - and even this should be composted.

So there you have it - your weekly wheelie binful has been reduced to less than a Tesco carrier bagful. At that rate your collection could be reduced to a monthly service.

If you don't want to recycle (can't is not an option if the proposals go ahead), then reduce the waste you collect.

Think about your impact on Mother Nature. Can you be proud of your environmental actions or are you ashamed of them?


Offmore Road
