THE funeral of a 32-year-old woman from Evesham was due to take place on Tuesday after she died in her sleep just before Christmas.

Lisa Crawford from Four Pools Road in Evesham, went out to see friends the night before with her husband Ian, but when he tried to rouse her the next morning on December 22, he discovered she had passed away.

Mother Diane Webb from Honeybourne said: "When we saw her at the weekend Lisa was as bubbly as ever, and we exchanged Christmas presents. We are all absolutely devastated." Mrs Webb said the couple had been married for two years and were planning to start a family.

They were also due to travel to Lanzorote for a holiday the day after Lisa died. Mrs Webb, who suspects her daughter died of a heart attack, said there were heart problems on both sides of the family.

She said: "Lisa managed to do her small part in raising money for charities." She raised hundreds of pounds for Cancer Research, Multiple Sclerosis and Leukaemia Research and was a member of the Cotswold Pony Club. She also enjoyed helping with Riding for the Disabled at Moyfield Riding Club. The owner, Joan Bomford, said: "Lisa's death was a great shock, she was a lovely girl and a very good rider."