The December meeting was held in St Peter's Church as the parish hall had been closed.

A plate was presented to Gwen Palmer in honour of her membership over 62 years.

The Launchbury Cup was won by Marge Sadler, and the Friendship Cup by Maggie Gregg.

Members reported on recent activities, including a visit to the Glades Arena to see Jennie Bond, the carol service in Kidderminster Town Hall, and the Leys Group carol service at Franche.

Names were taken for a visit to the brine baths, in Droitwich, in January, and Wendy Huntley and Mrs Gregg will attend the coffee morning for press and programme secretaries at WI House, Worcester, on January 28.

Roma Punt demonstrated how to make Christmas table decorations, including fir-cone people, baubles and sugar bells, at the same time recalling various events in her life.

A Christmas party will be held on January 13, at 7.15pm.