FANS of the Mercian Boys Football League need to grow up and set an example at matches - according to league officials.

The league says some parents, club officials and spectators are getting carried away at games and spoiling the enjoyment for others.

Complaints have been received about clubs making accusations against each other including allegations about parents swearing and encouraging physical involvement against the spirit of the game. All such incidents are dealt with under league rules.

Chairman George Silverman said people went looking for excuses if teams lost, often singling out referee's for unjust criticism.

"Of course winning is the main objective," Mr Silverman said. "But winning at all costs leaves a sour taste as far as I am concerned.

"We must remember that our main purpose is to develop the skills of all young people wanting to play football.

"The players over the years can be seen to be growing up, both in terms of their physical maturity.

"I honestly feel it is now time that some club officials, parents and spectators also need to grow up and let everyone enjoy this game of ours."

The next Mercian League meeting is on Sunday, February 2.