HAVING read David Smith's letter (You Say, December 20) it's amazing the extent he goes to pull the wool over our eyes.

First, he incorrectly states that New York firefighters receive an annual salary of £39,000. Come on Dave Smith, that figure is in the region of $60,000.

Who told you that, where did you get your data from and, where did you research? If you make statements, get your facts right first!

However to put the matter right, the actual annual salary of a New York firefighter is $30,000 making that only £18,000 and the FDNYC will back this up.

I have the greatest respect for all firefighters everywhere, but not for those who show disloyalty to their country when it is liable to attack from suicide bombers and nuclear war.

How about showing our gratitude to those brave young soldiers who protected us during the strike? They deserve it, too.

M BURCHER, Worcester.