DISTRESSED relatives who visited their loved one's graves over the holiday only to discover many had been deliberately pushed over, were given an apology this week.

Over 50 headstones in two town cemeteries were flattened by Bromsgrove District Council staff because they were deemed 'unsafe.'

A further 70 were also found unsafe, but could not be laid down as they were back to back with other stones.

Many families accused the council of 'deliberately vandalising' the graves and being equally as bad as teenagers who went on a wrecking spree in the cemetery two years ago.

The council's head of administrative services, Vince Harrison, said: "We are sorry for any distress caused but we hope the relatives will understand the reasons behind it."

"It looked like the work of vandals, and I think it could even encourage vandalism," said distraught Janet Turner, of Ednall Lane, whose parents are buried in the cemetery and whose comments were typical of many.

Leader of the Labour group on the council, Cllr Peter McDonald (Uffdown and Waseley), said: "It was an act of vandalism on the part of the council."

He has written to council chief Bob Lewis, demanding a full explanation.

Mr Harrison added: "It is our duty to ensure all gravestones are in a safe condition. We could have delayed the inspection, but we had to put safety first."

He said a six-year-old girl in Harrogate died when a headstone crushed her beneath it.

Andrew Nash, of Hewell Avenue, whose father is buried in the cemetery, said: "I think it's incredibly insensitive at this time of year, when people are going to the cemetery to pay their respects."

The Advertiser/Messenger carried a story last month advising readers the headstones would be laid down if they were deemed unsafe.

The council stressed repairs should be carried out only by experts.

David Beale, of Bright & Son Memorials, in Crabtree Lane, said: "We would like to make the public aware that all the memorials we fitted only became unsafe after they were physically pushed over by the council."

He estimated the cost to re-erect each memorial to be between £25 and £50.