ANGRY residents have vowed to continue the battle to save a Bromsgrove care home for the elderly after a protest march attracted the support of almost 200 townsfolk.

Armed with banners and torches the protestors, opposing the proposed closure of Blackmore House, marched through the town chanting defiant messages to Worcestershire County Council.

The council has suggested its preferred option for the 15-year old School Drive home, is to demolish it and replace it with very sheltered accommodation.

A final decision will be made on the home, specialising in caring for elderly people suffering with dementia, on Monday January 27, when the consultation period expires.

Christine Bourne, whose mother-in-law is a resident, was one of the relatives heading the march, which took place on December 19.

"We were delighted with the turnout of people offering their support, there were between 150 and 200 people" she said.

District councillors, who have voted against the proposed closures including Cllr Nick Psirides (Con-Norton) and Cllr David McGrath (Lab-Uffdown and Waseley), turned out to show their support.

Following the march, which lasted just over an hour, the relatives of residents at the home, held a meeting with county councillor and portfollio holder for social services Liz Eyre (Con-Broadway).

The relatives are now calling for a meeting with Bromsgrove's Tory MP Julie Kirkbride and the county council's cabinet to whom they plan to forcibly put their views.

"We will be most disappointed if all the cabinet members are not able to attend the meeting because they are the people who will make the final decision," added Christine.