A HEROIN addict stole the keys to the ironmonger's shop his father manages and walked off with more than £400 in cash.

Adam Harrison was also spotted by police trying to steal from a car while the owner was putting bottles and paper into recycling bins at a supermarket.

Worcester Magistrates heard that Harrison was at home with his family in Westmead Close, Droitwich Spa, when the temptation to steal his father's keys became too much.

"Between noon and 1.30pm on Sunday, July 28, the shop keys went missing from the family's home address and at 1pm the defendant told his father he was going out," said Kiernan Cunningham, prosecuting.

Later that day the owner of the ironmongers on High Street, Droitwich, reported that £243.31 had been stolen from a locked office.

"Entry had been gained to the shop but no damage had been done so the owner therefore assumed the person responsible had keys to gain access to the premises."

Harrison broke in again and stole another £200 after the shop closed on Wednesday, July 31.

When Harrison, aged 24, was arrested on Monday, August 5, he admitted both burglaries, blaming his heroin addiction.

"He explained he was addicted to heroin and the temptation, quite simply, was too much," said Mr Cunningham.

While Harrison was on bail for these offences police caught him trying to steal from a car in the Safeway car park in Droitwich Spa.

Police were observing the area after five cars had been broken into between Friday, September 20, and Thursday, October 3.

When one car pulled up at about 1pm on Friday, October 4, and the driver got out to put bottles and paper into the recycling bins Harrison reached into her car, and was spotted by the officers.

"Harrison saw the officer running towards him, ran, and a brief chase ensued," said Mr Cunningham.

"He told officers he had gone up to the car to see what he could steal and had explained the reason for this was his serious heroin addiction."

Mr Cunningham said Harrison had five previous convictions for dishonesty offences, including a 15-month sentence from Worcester Crown Court for theft.

Jeremy Croshaw defending said Harrison had received two offers of employment, including the Droitwich ironmongers, and the shop's owner had provided a letter of reference.

"He has submitted to various drug agencies care but they haven't been successful in the long term," said Mr Croshaw told the court.

"In the past he hasn't been offered the same kind of intensive support the probation service is offering now."

Harrison admitted the theft, burglary and attempted theft charges and was ordered to pay £643.31 compensation, £236 costs and was given a two-year community rehabilitation order.