A PREGNANT woman threatened to beat up another woman during Christmas celebrations.

Sonia Graham, aged 20, was spotted by police among a group of revellers shouting at another woman after leaving Images nightclub in The Butts, Worcester.

"She was heard shouting: 'I'm going to ****ing have you,'" said Kiernan Cunningham, prosecuting yesterday.

Graham, of Avon Road, Tolladine, was warned by police about her language, and was arrested when she continued to be abusive.

Graham was four months pregnant at the time of the incident on Saturday, December 21.

"We had come out of Images and my friend told me this woman had said she was going to kick my baby out of me," she told the court.

"I tried to walk away from it, but I got angry."

Graham told the court she'd drunk six bottles of "alcopops" that had had no effect.

She admitted using abusive language and threatening behaviour and was given a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £55 costs.