A FATHER of three threatened police officers with a propane cylinder after they had been called out to a domestic disturbance.

James Moran Smith, aged 28, had drunk more than 10 pints of lager when police arrived at the Waterside Caravan Park, Offerton Lane, Evesham, Worcester Magistrates heard yesterday.

"He picked up a propane cylinder and threatened police officers with it," said Kiernan Cunningham prosecuting.

"There were a number of individuals present, including children.

"The police officers drew their CS incapacitating spray but fortunately did not need to use it."

Smith, of Peewit Road, Hampton, in Evesham, was arrested and taken to the police station.

"His recollection was hazy, but he did accept he picked up the gas cylinder and told police to "**** off or I'll bash you'," said Mr Cunningham.

"He was, in his words, only messing around with the cylinder and had no intention of throwing it."

Chris Hilton defending said Smith acknowledged he had a drinking problem, which was the cause of his partner leaving him.

"Now he wishes to be back with his partner and she wants to be back with him," said Mr Hilton. "The only sticking point is the alcohol."

Over the Christmas period Smith only drank four pints on New Year's Eve, Mr Hilton told the court.

Smith admitted using threatening or abusive behaviour and was given a 12 month community rehabilitation order and ordered to pay costs of £55.