A LARGE team of volunteers have given up their holiday time to man the phone lines at Worcester's branch of the Samaritans.

A spokesman for the charity praised the 90 people who helped the organisation cope with what is usually its busiest time of year.

The Worcester branch's new e-mail facility was also put to the test for the first time over the festive period.

The team is now preparing for a busy post-Christmas period, when many people become depressed due to feelings of anti-climax.

"People have expectations for Christmas and the New Year, and when it passes, they realise nothing much has changed. It can be a difficult time," said the spokesman for the Worcester branch.

She said some callers were facing their first Christmas alone due to death or divorce, while others had relationship difficulties at a stressful time of year.

"Our volunteers have been brilliant," she said. "They've given up a lot of their Christmas and New Year to be on the phones."

She said the e-mail service was proving to be popular with people who found it difficult talking about their problems.

The service is now being introduced across the country, but has been in place in Worcester for some time.

"Young people, especially young men, find it difficult to talk," she said. "E-mail is their medium, and it means they can remain even more anonymous.

"We're always here for people - if anyone has concerns, they can call or come in to our centre."

The Samaritans' phone lines are manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The charity can be contacted on 01905 21121, and the office can be found at 9, Sansome Place, Worcester.

Anyone who would like to join the team of volunteers should visit the office or call the number.