VOTERS in Herefordshire have been chosen to pilot a postal election scheme.

Polling stations have been scrapped for the local elections in May.

The county has been chosen as one of 33 counties to pilot the scheme to try and make voting easier. All votes will count as long as they are received by the council by 5pm on Thursday, May 1.

"This is all about making voting easier and encouraging more people to vote without compromising security," said Neil Pringle, chief executive of Herefordshire Council and returning officer for the election.

"At previous elections, both local and general, we have had a fairly high turn- out compared to many other counties.

"However, we told the Government we wanted to improve this. We want to assure residents that all those eligible will be able to vote."

A publicity campaign to give details about the postal voting system will be launched prior to the election to make sure people don't miss out on an opportunity to vote.

The county could be one of the first to announce the results of the election as the count can be started in the early evening, once all the post has been delivered.