A WORCESTER man aiming to set up a support group for fathers separated from their children has received encouragement both locally and nationally.

Doug Padgett, a separated father-of-one, is determined to establish an organisation to mirror the "glut" of successful groups that help women in the same position to cope.

After running a similar project in Bradford, he has received backing from the nationwide counselling service Relate and positive responses from several local men.

Mr Padgett, of London Road, Worcester, knows that persuading fathers to come to a support group meeting is a difficult first step.

Professional advice

"Half the battle is getting them to turn up," he said.

''But once there such groups can make a big difference, not just to the men, but to the children - which is the most important thing - and others around them."

The meetings, that may include professional advice from services such as the police and legal experts, aim to improve father-child relations through open discussions and, if necessary, anger management.

Anyone wishing to contact Mr Padgett regarding the group should call 01905 355257.