ON Sunday, December 22 the traditional service of readings and carols was well attended in St John the Evangelist Church at Pauntley. Mrs Jessie Williams, a member of the local ministry team, led the service. The Bible readings told the Christmas story with readers drawn from the congregation. Mrs Anne Solesbury accompanied the singing on the church organ. The fourth candle on the Advent wreath was lit. The church was beautifully decorated and the crib was in place. The last two carols, which were Silent Night and Hark the herald angels sing were sung by candlelight.

The tapers were carried by the children taking the light from the altar to the members of the congregation. Pauntley is, of course, the parish where Dick Whittington was born and candlelight was the means of lighting churches in his time! The sidesman was Dr Simon Holland.

A group of ten adults met at Pauntley Memorial Hall in Brand Green on Wednes-day, December 18 to tour the village singing carols. This has long been a tradition a few days before Christmas.

It was a dry, crisp frosty night with a full moon and conditions were ideal for the tour. Everywhere the carollers met with a warm welcome. At one house they did briefly stay to partake of refreshments of sherry and mince pies before going on their way to raise £85. This will be split equally between Pauntley Church and Save the Children Fund.