THE NSPCC coffee morning held at the beginning of December in Bramley Close raised £170 for the charity.

The Christmas concert of words and music held last Saturday evening in Powick Parish Hall was well attended and enjoyed by all participants and audience alike. The music was provided by Tom Wells, David Allen and Stephen Watkins on piano with David Whyman on drums. Other musical pieces were provided by Helen Washbourne on saxophone and Thomas Nichol on piano. The adults and children's choir provided a selection of Christmas songs conducted by Tom Wells. Stephen Watkins and Derek Stokes sang songs in solo and duet. Christmas words, mainly secular, were spoken by Sally Gurney, Naomi and Mary Ward, Andy Lamb, Ian Gane, Rob Boswell, Mel and Keith Lewis and the vicar Reverend David Nichol and Jenny Taylor, who instigated the evening. Refreshments of hot punch and mince pies were served during the interval.

The traditional Christmas carol service took place at St Peter's Church, Powick last Sunday evening. Traditional carols were sung by the whole congregation and the combined choir of the benefice (from Powick, Madresfield and Guarlford) processed with candle light. The choir sang lesser well known carols The Manger Thorne by C S Steggall, Lord and Clear the bells are ringing by Rickman and Lyn Snook sang a solo carol Long Ago in Bethlehem, a Moravian traditional carol. The Christmas story was told from extract from the Bible by readers Kris Quatermass (a flower arranger), Jean Lean (a Junior Church teacher), Jackie Maple and Will Harrison (educationalists), Catherine Green (a young person), Peggy Wilkinson and Philip Betts (members of the PCC). Prayers were led by Reverend David Nichol and encompassed the homeless, refugees, sick, bereaved and destitute. Prayers were said for the nations of the world, the UN and the trouble spots of the world, and for the environment. After the service coffee and mince pies were served by ladies of the church in the Lady Chapel under the leadership of Thea Wild. The team of Powick bell ringers under tower captain Paul Smith called the people to church on the six bells, while following the service the team of hand bell ringers including Lynn Nichol, Mary and Naomi Ward, Debbie Steele, Julia Sandy, Ann Leeming and Jenny Taylor played a medley of Christmas tunes. The organist who also played the piano was Lindall Brown and conductor was Margaret Tarr.

The RSPB (Worcester & Malvern Group) meets at Powick Parish Hall on Wednesday, January 8 at 7.30pm. All welcome (adults £1, and children free). Guest speaker is Brian Draper on Scotland.