ON Monday, December 16 the carol singers were out in Upleadon village. The party consisted of 12 adults and two children. As they set off from the village hall there was fine drizzle but they were not deterred. Everyone gave them a warm welcome. At the end of the evening the drizzle had turned to rain but by that time the carollers were refreshing themselves at the home of Gerald and Christine Draper. Gerald's mulled wine and Christine's excellent cooking of sausage rolls and mince pies ended a superb evening. £81 was raised for village hall funds. Thanks to all who gave generously.

Over 60 people attended the annual carol service in St Mary the Virgin Church, Upleadon on Sunday, December 22. The whole service was in candlelight except for one electric spotlight to assist readers. The church was beautifully decorated with seasonal greenery and flowers. A Christmas tree and crib were in place. The fourth Advent candle was lit and the Reverend Andrew Perry, who conducted the service, spoke of the significance of the candles on the Advent wreath. This delighted the children who were present. Mrs Jessie Williams gave the welcome and read the bidding prayer. Mr Bert Vye accompanied the singing. Mr Gerald Draper and Mr Frank Clifford were the sidesmen. Readers were Julie Atkinson, Christine Draper, John Slack and Gerald Draper. Mike Manning and his son, Robert read a poem entitled Christmas Eve. The ladies served coffee and mince pies after the service.

The Millennium wall hanging tapestry worked by local people is now hanging in the church and is much admired.

The nine parish service of Holy Communion in St Mary the Virgin Church, Upleadon on Sunday, December 29 was well attended. It was a very wet day.

The Rector, Reverend Pat Phillips led the service. The Venerable Christopher Wagstaff, retired Archdeacon of Gloucester, was the celebrant, he also preached. He told the congregation the story of the senior and the junior angels looking down to earth. They eventually saw the spread of Christianity all over the earth after Jesus was born. He also spoke of his time in Bethlehem and gave a little update of work in Tanzania.

Mrs Jessie Williams led the prayers and the Gospel was read by Mr Roger Parker of Donnington. Mr Bert Vye was at the organ. The collection will be used for work in Tanzania. Coffee and biscuits were served after the service.