Kings College Chapel it was not, but it would be wrong to allow the Christmas season to close without reference to the splendid Carols by Candlelight service held in a packed St James's Church on the Sunday before Christmas. A specially augmented choir, coached by St James's School head of music Lyn Lindner, ambitiously (and successfully) tackled some lesser known and none-too-easy carols. The congregational singing of the old favourites was hearty, and lifted by some exciting trumpet descants from vicar Richard Rosoman (and one or two vocal ones from babes at the back!). The lessons were well read by representatives of village organisations. Juniors from the village school also sang their own special carol. Organist John Raine and his wife Susan, on keyboard, provided rousing or discreet accompaniment throughout as appropriate, to sustain the singing. This was an uplifting occasion, uniting diverse elements of the community. Many people staying behind afterwards to enjoy mince pies and refreshments in the company of their fellow villagers. And the whole event owed much to our deacon, the indefatigable Rosemary Herbert, who coaxed, wheedled and nagged as necessary to persuade people to play their part!

Congratulations to West Malvern Social Club which every year raises money for a variety of mainly local and mainly modest sized good causes, at its regular 'fun quizzes' through the winter. For 2002, the club, under the dedicated enthusiasm of Nola and Ron Pearson, has been able to donate £500 to the Macmillan Nurses and £100 to the Acorns Childrens' Hospital in Birmingham - a fine achievement.