A CHRISTMAS famine in aid of children in the Third World has raised over £1,000, twice the expected amount.

Dyson Perrins CE High School pupil Kay Bushnell and her mother Marilyn went without food for 48 hours on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to raise money for World Vision's Orangeapeel campaign, which aims to help children from war torn countries.

They were hoping to collect £500 in sponsorship money, but Marilyn said the final total would be at least double that.

"It's been marvellous and I don't regret it at all," she said, after recovering from the fast with a hearty meal on Boxing Day.

"Sometimes it was really difficult, more difficult than I thought it would be. I started getting a headache."

They are collecting donations until the end of January. To support the appeal call Dyson Perrins school on 01684 564751.