WORCESTERSHIRE education authority has been allocated £3,280,000 to spend on increasing the capacity of schools in the next financial year.

The money will be concentrated on schools which are filling up with pupils.

Colin Weedon, of the county council's education department, said the actual allocation of the money will not be decided until March.

He said: "There is already a major building programme going on at Dyson Perrins High School and most of the other Malvern schools are pretty full up already."

The county council has also been allocated £1,048,000 to be spent on the Schools Access Initiative, which is aimed at improving facilities for disabled pupils.

And £1,774,000 has also been allocated to voluntary aided schools in the county.

Mr Weedon said: "We are reasonably pleased with the capital allocation we have had this year, unlike the revenue settlement, which we all agree has been a disappointment."