THE Express Golf & Gambling Society (EGGS) held their recent society day at a rather wet and muddy Bransford Golf Course.

As has been their luck, the weather on the day was good with no rain to hinder performance as 23 players battled for 'The Bank House Boys Trophy'.

With the standard of golf and stableford scores improving each time the EGGS play it was never going to be easy and a good round by Nick Clarke (41 pts) just held off Les Thomas (40 pts) who kept Phil Birch in 3rd place with 37 points, the three playing off handicaps of 16, 22 and 9 respectively.

Rob Styles didn't have the best of luck or rounds and just pipped Andy Bottomley and Phil Hunt to best bad round of the day whilst Jem Finch easily took the prize for most balls put into Bransford's various lakes (11). Les Thomas and Duncan McKerracher took the pairs trophy with Nick Clarke taking longest drive and Jason Brewer winning nearest the pin.

Thanks go to the society's members of the Bank House who contributed to sponsor the event, to Stacey Cole for another superb raffle and the staff at Bransford for their superb hospitality.

Members are reminded that next event is Wharton Park on March 14 and to get deposits in for the overnight trip to Stratford on February 21.