Councillor Serena Croad's letter (Your Letters, December 27) in response to my comments concerning the proposed new headquarters for MHDC raised several interesting points and one breathtaking misconception.

At the risk of repeating myself, the estimated cost of adapting the existing buildings to comply with the disabled access legislation was quoted in the MHDC executive board report at £250,000 and not the option costing £790,000 that she has chosen to highlight.

As with the estimated £4.6 million cost of a brand new headquarters the current MHDC leadership seem to be showing a worrying predilection towards a Rolls Royce solution to a Mondeo problem.

The breathtaking misconception is her assertion that the Lib Dems are actively promoting the transfer of local government from Malvern to Pershore or County Hall. I can assure her that nothing could be further from the truth.

However, having been actively involved in the negotiations that brought about the formation of the current MHDC, I know only too well how close we came to a South Worcestershire unitary council coming into existence the last time. It has to be said that with the best will in the world we will not be so fortunate in the future.

It is with this in mind that we must take a realistic approach to the future of local government in the MHDC area.

In conclusion, my response to the consultation process that Serena Croad states is going to take place is quite simple.

Firstly, adopt the £250,000 option to enable the existing buildings to comply with the disabled access regulations. Secondly, sell off the depot site and treasurers site for affordable housing adding the capital receipts to the remaining Malvern Millions.

Finally, ensure the sums raised are spent providing facilities for the benefit of the people of the district while MHDC is still in existence.

Clive Smith, Greenfields Road, Malvern Link.