Has the world gone mad or is it just MHDC? "Disabled left in lurch as council coffers run dry" (Malvern Gazette, December 27) and in the same edition, MHDC agrees funds toward the cost of setting up an internet service.

How can it be that MHDC is unable to find £52,000 to help 26 of our disabled citizens, and yet it is able to contribute £100,000 towards the cost of setting up an internet site?

No doubt someone from MHDC will have what to them is a perfectly sound reason why this state of affairs has come about?

As a Council Tax-payer I am often perplexed as to the priorities of MHDC. Our disabled citizens deserve better.

When we have decent facilities for the disabled and senior citizens of Malvern; When we have decent roads that are swept on a regular basis; When we have a parking warden to deter inconsiderate drivers from parking where they shouldn't; When we have free car parking to encourage shoppers to use the shops from which MHDC is happy to take very substantial sums of money each year. Then, and only then, should we invest in a system to make government services available electronically.

Even then I would have to ask how many elderly or disadvantaged citizens would have access to the equipment necessary to reach those sites?

Mike Farr, Yates Hay Road, Malvern.