A MAN smashed eight double-glazed windows at an Upton factory after being made redundant days before Christmas.

Derek Tipton, aged 28, destroyed the windows worth £2,200 at Permadoor, in Minge Lane, at about 11pm on Saturday, December 21.

A passer-by reported the incident and when police turned up, Tipton was still there and owned up immediately.

"He told them he did it because they sacked him before Christmas," prosecutor Mark Soper told Worcester magistrates.

David Jackson, for Tipton, said he was a desperate man, who hoped magistrates would hive him a roof over his head by sending him to prison. He had just split with his girlfriend of nine years.

"He had a good record before but found himself without a relationship and, following that, a home."

He was bailed until Mon-day, January 6, for reports.