A MALVERN inline skater has warned the closure of a Worcester skatepark would leave nowhere indoors for young people to practice their skills.

Lee Buckland, 16, of Redland Road is one of dozens of skaters, skateboarders and BMX riders from Malvern who regularly visit RampAge on Orchard Street, Worcester. The indoor park is owned by Lee's father and stepmother, Chris and Gabs Buckland.

Complaints about noise from nearby residents prompted Worcester City Council officials to serve a 21-day noise abatement order against the park at the end of last year, requiring noise levels from wheels on ramps to be cut down or it will face closure.

However, the council has now relented, allowing the Buckland family 28 days to consult acoustic experts and submit a report detailing soundproofing plans.

Lee said the closure of the park would be a disaster.

"It's my social life after school," he said. "If it closes down I'd be gutted."

He dismissed Malvern's skate facility at Victoria Park, saying: "It's outdoors so if it rains you can't go on it. It's home to druggies and people that start fights and it's falling apart as well. The spine ramp is coming off the floor," he said.

A petition, started by skaters concerned at the possible closure of the Worcester park, can be found at http://www.petitiononline.com/rampage1/petition.html.