MATCH fishing brothers James and Dave Wilson fought a close battle for first place when both anglers were drawn on adjacent pegs on the Arboretum section of the canal during the latest WDUAA Open.

In fact, only the failure of dad Reg to weigh in, stopped the event from becoming a total Wilson family dominated affair!

Although Dave drew the favoured end peg 179 it was James who took the honours thanks mainly to two huge perch which took his chopped worm bait presented across to the reeds on peg 178 which, when added to two useful roach, gave him a narrow victory over his brother with a weight of 3-1-8.

Dave Wilson's approach of caster fished in the centre channel was almost good enough when he netted five good roach which tipped the scales just short on 2-13-6.

Third place went to 'caster master' Alan Baldwin (Phoenix) who fed his favourite bait all over the canal on fancied peg 158 in the park to net four roach going 2-2-6 while Phoenix veteran Rod Guise, after upsetting the scalesman, still managed to secure fourth place with a small fish net weighing 1-8-9 taken from peg 166.

The next WDUAA match planned for the canal is the final round of the winter league which will be on Sunday, January 12.

Swan AC transferred their annual Christmas open from the river Salwarpe to the High pool at Hawford Bridge fishery where Greenman star Bob Patrick continued his excellent season with yet another first prize.

Drawn on the right hand side of the pool Patrick offered sweetcorn on a waggler set up to take three carp before a change to the pole allowed him to present his bait tight to the opposite reed bed, three more carp followed along with a solitary chub giving Patrick a final winning total of 21-3-0.

Runner up spot went to Paul Bick (Dams & Lock) who, making a rare local appearance took 18-4-0 consisting of seven carp, most of which came in the last hour, on pole fished sweetcorn.

Bick's team mate Fred Bedford took third position with an all carp net of 17-4-0 which fell unusually to pinkie bait, while in fourth place was local star Mark Newman (Barnards Green) with 9-9-0.

Heavy rain affected the Alans Tackle open on the top pool at Brockamin, but peg 9 opposite the car park was just a little less coloured than most and carp ace Bob Wilson turned this slight advantage into his second win in consecutive weeks on the venue.

Using information gleaned from a mid week practise session, Wilson needed just four of his favourite species, which included two double figure specimens, to secure victory with a pole and corn weight of 27-14-0.

Runner up was Wilson's mid week practise partner Tony Whicher who, on peg 3 netted three carp for 14-4-0, also on pole fished sweetcorn.

Newcomer Barry Morrell (Malvern) secured third spot with a small carp net, taken from peg 36 and weighing 9-3-0 while in fourth place was Jerry Thomas (Northern Soul) with a silver fish catch going 5-14-0.

Alans Tackle are holding an open contest at Evesbatch this Sunday, where local anglers can meet the new owner of the pool.

Entry costs £13 which includes an after match buffet, details from the shop on 01905-422107.

Worcester angler Colin Bennett only occasionally fishes open contest these days but the former WDUAA match secretary proved that he has not lost the skills that made him one of the most respected matchman in the area when he beat a talented line up to win at the Moorlands Farm fishery.

Drawn on the Bank pool peg 9, Bennett fished sweetcorn beneath a waggler float to take a number of carp which, along with silver fish, together weighed in at 59-14-0.

In second place was venue regular Steve Pierce (Lifestyle) with 54-6-0 while in third was Chris Ballard (Fosters) weighing 37-12-0.

The previous day's seventh round of the winter league series saw Welsh international Phil Weaver take the top spot with a weight of 57-15-0.

Ridgedale AC angler Tony Stanton came second with 43-12-0 and in third place was Dave Jordan (Fosters) weighing 37 pounds exactly.

Best team on the day was Team Roony's with 10 points followed by Trabucco and Top Four both on 15.

The league after seven rounds gives Top Four a narrow lead on 17 points, second are Shakespeare with 19 with Trabucco third on 24.

Boxing Day Open: 1, Chris Hill 91-15-0; 2, A. Newton 81-2-0; 3, M. Watson 65-9-0.

Friday Open: 1, J. Cockayne 85-14-0; 2, R. Skerrit 67-0-0; 3, C. Pace 65-11-0

Current match results are not reflecting the excellent form of the canal through Worcester, where good catches have been taken by anglers throughout the holiday period.

The best was an all roach net of over ten pounds recorded by local Jim Collins from a peg on the Blanquette's section. Top bait is once again is caster with the centre 'track' being the favoured area.