THE Ken Peplowski quartet will be in Hanley Castle's High School, near Upton, at 8pm on Friday, January 10, to perform a concert of a jazz.

The performance will be the fifth given by the Ohio-born Peplowski in the area. It is being organised by Friends of the Upton Jazz Festival.

For the occasion, he will be accompanied by fellow American, pianist Ben Oronov, with UK rhythm men Dave Green on bass and Steve Brown on drums.

Peplowski began his professional career as a child in Cleveland, appearing on local radio and TV and playing orchestral and jazz arrangements. He went on to join the Tommy Dorsey Band in 1979 before moving to New York to play with Dixiebands, small groups and avant-garde jazz ensembles.

He now records and travels extensively, having gained renown: his proficiency on the clarinet and tenor saxaphone bringing him to the top of the worldwide jazz scene.

Tickets are £10 (£8 members), from 01684 593794, Pepperpot Print, High Street, Upton, or on the door.