BARRIE Dobson (You Say, Monday, December 23) describes people who think that Britain would be better off outside the European Union as "from the far right of politics". This is not so.

Many prominent "old Labour" left-wingers such as Tony Benn, Austin Mitchell, Frank Field, and Denis Skinner are against Britain's membership of the EU.

Neil Kinnock was too, until he saw that it could give him and his family a very cosy living after British politics. Fifty Labour back-benchers have recently formed the "LATE - Labour against the Euro" campaign.

Bang go their chances of a ministerial position!

The UK Independence Party is drawing members from all three main political parties and, if Mr Dobson would like to take the trouble to look at our policies - - he'll see that we don't take up a position to the "far-right of British politics".

One of our campaigning issues, however, is against "political correctness". If this is thought to be right wing, then so be it.

Mr Dobson also refutes Mr Showell's suggestion that there are similarities between the EU, and the old USSR.

Let us look at some facts.

1 European Commission decisions are all taken in private.

2 Proceedings of the European Council are not published.

3 Fraud and corruption is rife but whistle-blowers face not only sacking but threats and intimidation.

4 All EU bureaucrats are immune from prosecution for life, or from having their offices searched.

5 Possibly worse still, so are the members of Europol (the fledgling EU police force that will be able to exert its powers throughout the EU).

6 A proposal at the Nice summit was that political parties that do not agree with the aims of the EU should be banned. So much for democracy.

7 Another proposal was that it should be made impossible for a country to leave the EU without the majority of member states wishing it to do so.

The EU does not really like democracy and it has no intentions of being accountable to its citizens. The best option for Britain is to get out quick!


UK Independence Party,

Castlemorton Common,
