TWO men claiming to be from "the water board" tricked their way into an elderly woman's Worcester home and stole money from her handbag.

They called at a house in Sharman Road, Barbourne, between 3.10pm and 3.25pm on Thursday, January 2.

One of the conmen told the occupant that a pipe had burst, the water had become contaminated and he would need to check it.

Once inside the house one of the offenders went into the kitchen while the second checked the taps in the bathroom upstairs.

It is believed that this is when a bag upstairs was searched and £20 was stolen.

The two men left the house a short time later.

One is described as 35 to 45 years old, 5ft 7ins tall, of stocky build, with short, dark brown hair.

The second man is described as aged between 30 and 35 years old, about 6ft tall with short, light brown hair.

One was wearing a fluorescent jacket while the other wore a black jacket.

PC Andy Simkins is appealing for anyone who was in the area at the time and believes they may have seen the two men, or who has information regarding their identities to contact him on 08457 444888, quoting c/655580.