A WORCESTER student has been presented with her gold Duke of Edinburgh award.

Helen Rawsthorn, aged 19, of Spetchley Road, travelled to St James's Palace in London to have her award presented in the presence of Prince Philip.

"It was truly an amazing day - certainly one of the best of my life," said Helen, who is a student at Worcester Sixth Form College.

"The Duke congratulated us and asked questions about what we had done," she said.

Helen had spent the past 18 months doing a number of activities, one of the highlights of which was a working holiday with the National Trust in Exmouth.

"I loved the residential project, which involved clearing a woodland path, and although I didn't know anyone we all got on well," she said.

"We worked hard together, and going mackerel fishing and to the Dartmoor beacons in our spare time all helped us to bond amazingly as a group."

Helen is pictured with her friend Natalie Dunn, also from Worcester, who has also successfully completed her gold Duke of Edinburgh award.