DUDLEY, having seen off the Royals a few weeks earlier, returned to inflict further anguish on Wyvern as they comfortably defeated the Worcester men's volleyball side 3-0.

After a comfortably beginning Wyvern seemed to be able to cope with the Dudley serves and indeed played some encouraging volleyball in return with Ralf Konen striking the ball very cleanly.

However halfway through the set Dudley went up a gear and for every point Wyvern gained, Dudley would win two. Consequently the set ebbed away from Wyvern and despite a short rally towards the end, Dudley won the first set 25 -15. In the second set a rejuvenated Wyvern set about their task with exceptional endeavour and took a well-deserved lead 12-9. Dudley were then being asked all the questions and with some fine blocking from Hooper, Frizzell and Jon Shorrocks were kept on the defensive.

The crucial point of the game came with Wyvern 17-13 up and Dudley serving. It was at this point that the return of serves from Wyvern failed them and on this one service rotation Dudley won five points to take the lead for the first time. Wyvern fought back with some hard serving from Paul Ward to lead 20-18. Back came Dudley winning the next six points and in effect the set. Wyvern went down 25-23.

Throwing caution to the wind in the third set Wyvern changed their setters in an attempt to break the deadlock.

It had limited success with John Handford and Chris Burns now hitting a little more effectively. However Dudley had remained in their higher gear from the start of the set and Wyvern were always chasing the game. 7-6 down soon became 12-6 down and despite a late rally at 19-16, it was always going to be Dudley to win. Subsequently Dudley went on to win 25-22.

Meanwhile, Wyvern's Ladies overcame Redhill Ladies 3-0.

After some difficulty, the undefeated top of the table Wyvern managed to scrape together six players for their second match of the season, thanks in part to Judy Maund who played for the team for many years during the 1990's and who came out of retirement to help the side out. Shelly Paterson also played after an absence of some months.

It was clear from the start it was going to be an easy match and the ladies with some fine serving from Dom Pickerill and hitting from Rachel took the first set 25-14.

The second set went much the way of the first with Redhill getting a little dispirited at the consistency of the Wyvern Ladies and was easily taken 25-11.

With no room for substitutes only rotational possibilities available to the team was altered slightly in the final set and with the pressure off could then really play in a totally relaxed mode. It showed as the third and soon to be final set was won 25-8.