IT would have been courteous of Bill Harrison to criticise me regarding what I actually wrote, rather on what he seems to think I have written (You Say, December 13).

My letter of November 27 - to which he referred - did not deal with European Union corruption or incompetence. Incidentally, I do not know of any country, institution or organisation that is wholly devoid of any corruption or degree of incompetence.

As for his belief in statistical information, well this is all right if it is honest and in small doses, but statistics have became the politicians' preferred language to baffle the ordinary voter.

Anyway, what Bill Harrison, Val Cowell and their ilk cannot dispute is Britain's ailing industry and poor public service, which I mentioned.

Redundancies, job insecurity, lengthy hospital waiting lists, poor public transport, collapsing pension schemes and artificial house prices, has been making undisputed headline news for the last 15 years or more, and no amount of manipulated statistical information is going to change that.

If Britain has the fourth largest economy in the world, then I am Father Christmas.

L SPITERI, Worcester.