IT is now official - the UN High Commissioner for refugees confirms the UK has more than its fair share of immigrants.

Who is responsible for this? Equally as concerned is M Swiers (You Say, December 13) who confirmed the DSS In Birmingham is buying cars for asylum seekers because it is cheaper than paying for taxis.

This gives rise to many questions, apart from the need of a current UK driving licence.

1 Why are we paying for taxis in the first place?

2 Who has the authority to make such payments?

3 Is the funding a gift or a loan - can the car be sold the next day?

4 Who pays for maintenance, MOT, insurance, fuel and tax?

In this free and democratic society are we allowed answers to these questions. Can we also know how many asylum seekers are there in the country - is their presence totally funded by central government and have any been provided with free cars?


Lower Broadheath,
