PLANS to put up a mobile phone mast at a Worcester pub look set to be approved by city councillors.

The proposals for a mast and satellite dish on the gable end of the Little Sauce Factory on London Road have been recommended for approval by planning officers.

Telecommunications operator, Hutchison 3-G, has also applied for permission to build an equipment cabinet in the rear yard of the pub, which is in a conservation area.

The firm has already been refused permission to site the mast and other equipment at the Albion Inn on Bath Road.

Local residents have raised concerns about the appearance of the mast and the potential health risks attached.

But according to the director of development services, Stuart McNidder, said refusal on the grounds that it posed a risk to health could not be sustained at an appeal.

"The installation will be 30 metres away from the nearest residential properties.

"At this distance the level of exposure to radiation will be very significantly below the recognised international guidelines," he said.

In his report to the planning committee Mr McNidder added that, although the mast would be visible above the building, it would be slender and would not significantly obstruct any views.

The planning committee will discuss the proposals at its next meeting on Thursday, January 9.