WORCESTERSHIRE County Council is being urged to reconsider its proposed park-and-ride sites for Worcester.

Malvern Hills District Council wants the county to consider siting its western park-and-ride near the junction of the A44, A440 and A4103 which, it believes, would be of more benefit to shoppers and commuters.

The site has already been rejected by the county council, which is currently carrying out a public consultation on four sites, two to the south east and two to the west of the city, following a study by consultants Halcrow.

Malvern Hills has been consulted because both the suggested sites to the west of the city are within the district.

In its consultation response, due to be noted by the planning committee on Tuesday, January 14, the district council says: "The district council does not consider that sites A and C relate well to the A449, which is a primary traffic route and the most heavily trafficked route into Worcester from Malvern Hills District."

Urging Worcester County Council to reconsider a third site, close to those being proposed, the district says: "Site B1 has a higher car park capacity and a greater predicted patronage forecast than site C which is one of the preferred sites emerging from the study."

The district council also feels both the proposed western sites would encroach into open countryside and that more consideration ought to be given to linking the park-and-ride with the railway, possibly creating a rail and bus park-and-ride facility.

The county council will consider the submission, along with all others, at the end of the public consultation period.