WYCHAVON District Council is warning people to be prepared in the event of further flooding.

Help is at hand in the form of sandbags and information leaflets offering advice on what to do in the event of flooding.

Empty sandbags and leaflets are available from the council's One-Stop-Shops in Evesham, Pershore and Droitwich Spa.

If the risk of flooding is considered high, a limited number of filled sandbags for homes can be collected from council depots in Abbey Road, in Evesham, The Furlong, Berry Hill Industrial Estate, in Droitwich and from the Civic Centre in Pershore.

Wychavon's client services manager, Sharon Casswell, said there were measures that residents in flooding areas could take to help themselves.

"The leaflets contain information on flood warnings, how to prepare for such an event, what to look out for and what action to take," she said.

Residents are also urged to be on the look-out for obvious obstructions to any water courses and, if they spot any, are asked to call council engineers on 01386 565000.

Wychavon's engineering services manager, Tony Jones, said that looking out for blockages was very important at any time, not just when there are flood warnings in force.

"It is vital that residents prepare for floods beforehand - as soon as warnings are given - so that all can take action before it is too late," he said.