THE curtain will close on the Swan Theatre at the end of the month, it has been confirmed.

A campaign to persuade the city council to reinstate the theatre's funding has failed and the board of directors has taken the closure decision.

Worcester MP, Mike Foster, has slammed the council's Tory administration, blaming its "financial mismanagement" for the closure.

The leader of the Worcester City Council's Labour group, Councillor Adrian Gregson, also criticised the cabinet for forcing the theatre to close.

He said he was also disappointed with West Midlands Arts who also withdrew support for the playhouse.

But council leader, Coun Stephen Inman, has hinted that this might not be the end of the Swan Theatre in Worcester. When the lease expires at the end of the month it transfers to the council, which owns the freehold.

Coun Inman said he is having talks with people in the theatre world with a view to reopening it under new management.