SHOPPERS are urged to think back to last Monday when a street robbery and attempted robbery happened within half and hour of each other.

A woman was robbed of her handbag at about 6.20pm as she walked across the Recreation Road South car park. A car, possibly a green Rover 214, drove up alongside her. The front seat passenger leant out and grabbed hold of her handbag.

As they drove off with the bag the woman was dragged onto the ground suffering injuries to her face and hands. The car sped off leaving the woman hurt on the floor.

Just half and hour later, at about 6.50pm, a man went into the toilets by the bus station in Market Street. He was approached by two male youths and one of them demanded he hand over his money.

He was grabbed by the two youths but was able to escape with nothing stolen, and call the police.

The two males are described as white and both aged in their mid to late teens. One is described as being about 5ft 7in tall and the other about 5ft 10in and of medium build.

Officers at Bromsgrove CID are appealing for information or any witnesses to the two incidents to contact DC Pete Wheeler on 08457 444 888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Police are also urging shoppers to be extra careful with their valuables following a number of reports of handbags being stolen from the front seats of cars parked on the Recreation Road South car park.

Police spokeswoman Joanne Hammond said: "We just want to remind people to either keep their valuables with them at all times, or lock them away in a safe place while they are shopping."