"We normally have our first lamb somewhere around Christmas Day and in fact this time the first was born on Christmas Day," said Mr Allard's wife, Val, at their Woodmancote Farm, in Defford.

The Suffolk ewes are put to a Charollais tup and are brought into a lambing shed and polytunnels to lamb.

Mrs Allard said they had 80 inside before the end of January, with another 60 due to lamb in March.

The ewes, she said, did not like the wet weather but could cope with the cold as long as they had plenty of food.

"It is a busy and exciting time," Mrs Allard said.

"It is the anticipation because with one crop a year you have got to get it right as you don't get a second chance."

Mr and Mrs Allard aim to have the first lambs ready for sale at the end of March or beginning of April, in time for the Easter trade.