the Barrington House Creative Arts Centre, in Bishop's From, has enjoyed success with weekend arts courses since opening last year.

Barrington House course director Margaret Owen said: "Our festive classes were full - covering stained glass tree decorations, metal, wires and beads, Christmas crackers, silk painted cards and garlands and wreaths. And what talent there was!

"The children's workshops were a sell-out too - where children from both counties came to work on stained glass tree, candle and felt tree decorations. Tutors from far and wide came to teach the classes with everyone asking 'when is the next one' and 'can I book for the following Christmas courses now?'"

In 2003 activities continue for both children and adults with new day courses for children between five and 14 in making batiks, kites, models, mosaic mirrors, silk painted scarves or stained glass angels.

The centre has now also stepped up its Art Club for youngsters to become twice weekly, due to popular demand. For children between six and 12, the club takes place between 4.30pm on 6pm on Wednesdays and between 3pm and 4.30pm on Saturdays.

For adults, one-day workshops each month will offer the chance to learn new skills and from February the centre will offer its first residential bookings for once monthly creative arts weekends.

On January 18 artist Danelo Yarnold will teach 17th Century still life and portrait drawing and painting.

Mrs Owen said: "This is something very special and we are delighted that Danelo can join us."

Alternatively Bobby Britnell from Shropshire will teach 'amazing textiles - transfer bond and stitch' and Alison Contardi will introduce Victorian tile decoration, helping pupils design and produce tiles for fireplaces, splash back or simply to frame in a picture.

On January 19, Sue Hawkins, from Cheltenham, will demonstrate 18th Century crewel embroidery and Sharon McSwiney returns for the fifth time showing how to use metals, wires and beads to produce masterpieces for the garden or the house.

On Monday, January 27, the centre steps away arts to offer computing for the terrified, using lap top computers.

For more information or to book a place call 01885 490274.