A MALVERN craftswoman has been showing off her skills on satellite television.

Diana Dorward of Hawkwood Close appeared on Alan and Barry's Craft Choice on Ideal World TV both last Tuesday, January 7, and also on Boxing Day.

She demonstrated the crafts of rag-rug making, and the obscure Victorian skill of shadow trapunto quilting, a technique of colouring needlework.

"It's quite an entertaining show," said Diana. "It's not a hard sell, like on some of the shopping channels. It's almost like a sitcom and it has a huge following."

Diana, who will be well known to local people for appearances at the Spring Garden and Three Counties shows, appeared on the shows for an hour each time.

Her appearances got a good response, with orders pouring in for her craft kits.

She will be returning on Thursday, February 5, to demonstrate the art of stencilling.