RESULTS of a comprehensive survey of residents in the parish of Hanley Castle are to be unveiled next Friday (January 17).

More than 340 households, around 70 per cent, returned a six-page questionnaire on all aspects of life in the parish. This was distributed as part of the process of drawing up a Parish Plan, a document that will act as a blueprint for the future of the Hanleys.

Graphs, photographs, displays and members of the Parish Plan Working Party will be on hand at Hanley Swan Village Hall, between 3.30 and 9pm.

Working party chairman Brian Symonds said that among many other things, the results had highlighted a lack of affordable housing and concerns over speeding traffic.

The majority of people said they enjoy living in the parish, with community spirit and tranquillity given as two reasons why. Another fact highlighted was that more than 25 per cent of the population are over 65 years old.

"No doubt some wag will suggest we turn the football pitch into a bowling green," said Mr Symonds.

He added the scale of the response to the survey was heartening, describing it as "democracy coming home".

"It's very gratifying for those who worked on it and it is at a level that gives us a mandate to take action," he said.